Maturity Model for Pathogen Data Platforms

5 July 2024


Maturity models are a useful tool to support data platform managers in assessing current gaps in their maturity and development lifecycle. The Pathogen Data Platform maturity model specifically targets managers of data platforms that host on pathogens, and associated, contextual sensitive, personal metadata. It was developed within ELIXIR-CONVERGE and tested in a pilot run within BY-COVID. It is very largely inspired from the maturity model of the Federated EGA.

During this highly interactive workshop, generally addressed to platform managers and those involved in platform development (bioinformaticians, ITs, legal services etc.), we will present practical illustrations of how to understand and score the various indicators of the maturity model, with examples focusing on SARS-CoV-2, bacterial, and wastewater data. We will also discuss the importance of ensuring FAIRness of platforms by design and how maturity models can support this.


13:00 - 13:05Welcome and introductions - Patricia Palagi (SIB, ELIXIR-CH)
13:05 - 13:20Introduction to the maturity model - Aitana Neves (SIB, ELIXIR-CH)
13:20Maturity model - example 1 - Liane Hughes (SciLifeLab Data Centre, Sweden)
13:5015’ break
14:05Maturity model - example 2 - Aitana Neves (SIB, ELIXIR-CH)
14:35Q & A
14:55Closing remarks


Registration is free and open to anyone, but is mandatory. Register here to receive the link to connect before 4 July.
