Research Data Management Training - Preparing to manage your data across disciplines
17 October 2023

Research data management (RDM) ensures that your data is complete, documented, and accessible to you and to future researchers. It encourages the discovery and reuse of your data to further discoveries in your field of research. Good RDM practices are at the heart of FAIR sciences, and they are increasingly important as research in many domains becomes data-intensive.
BY-COVID aims to make COVID-19 and other infectious diseases data open and accessible to scientists and anyone who can use it, such as medical staff in hospitals or government officials. It is a multidisciplinary project mobilising data from various sources and disciplines (socio and economic sciences, life sciences, public health, humanities).
In these RDM Training webinars, you will learn from BY-COVID experts about their RDM practices, tools, use cases and challenges when managing data.
17 October, 14:00-15:00 CET | Online | Data management in social sciences and humanities with DMEG |
22 November, 14:00-15:00 CET | Online | Data management in life sciences with RDMkit |
12 December, 14:00-15:30 CET | Online | Use cases, challenges and issues in data management |
Sign up
These webinars are free and open to all. You can find the complete agenda and the information to join the webinar here.